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I have been developing and delivering training sessions for more than 20 years with great passion.

My work style focuses on learning experiences as relevant as possible for the participants, on authentic discussions, to the point, aiming the direct interaction, thus avoiding long and non-essential speeches.

My vision about training is that of a noble profession that fulfills you and rewards you immediately in terms of the results achieved with the participants in the room and later, through their development, as a result of the learning process.

I started this journey in the world of non-formal education by volunteering in an NGO through which I offered Sex Education courses in high schools in Bucharest. At that time they were called "Family Life Education" and "Behavior Change Communication". A small pun to facilitate access during conducting classes. It was the first time I realized the power of information provided at the right time to people who were seemingly omniscient and disinterested in the subject.

From here, things quickly evolved towards my training development in numerous international courses. During 2004-2006 I learned from the vast experience of international trainers and I developed perhaps the most important principles that guide me and are my backbone in building and delivering courses.

My experience was enriched by the management of a national project in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior. Here I learned how important the needs analysis and the adaptation of the training content to the specifics of the participants is.

In 2006 I considered the right time to practice training - which had already become an important part of my life - in the business environment as well. Thus, I started collaborating with a company that delivers exclusively team-building to companies in the Romanian market. The transition was not an easy one but it was full of valuable lessons. I had the opportunity to propose and organize events for organizations in different fields such as: telecom, banking, automotive, consulting, pharma and FMCG. From here, followed a natural step towards soft skills courses by collaborating with a renowned company in the Romanian training market.

The biggest dilemma I had at the time was whether a successful course with positive feedback from students is enough to change a company's results.

The consequence of this dilemma was that in 2009 I decided to work as an internal trainer in a pharma organization. The 5 years spent inside that company have shown me that the results are as palpable as possible and that the efficiency of a course depends largely on: the skills of the trainer, open communication and authenticity in speech.

Following the “practice what you preach” principle, I believe that every trainer has the duty to experience the work within a large organization in order to better understand the processes and dynamics of relationships.

Certificates Internationally

2018 – “Visual Facilitator” Brussels, Belgium, bikablo
2011 – “Forum Theatre Training” Izmir, Turkey- Art Fusion
2006 – “International Training “Adolescence Reproductive Health” Ankara / Turkey-ICC
2006 – “Y-PEER Training of Trainers in Theatre Based Education” Marrakech, Morocco – UNFPA
2005 – “Y-PEER Advanced Education Training of Trainers” Istanbul, Turkey –UNFPA
2005 –”NLP” by Marinela Somazzi Safta – Honorific Consul of Romania in Switzerland – CREU CNC

Certificates Nationally

2020 – “The Brain Game” – Brainiup
2011 – “Leadership – Expose Act Inspire” – Trainart
2010 – “Situational Leadership II” – Human Invest
2004 – “Training of Trainers Behavior Change Communication”– YfY
2003 – “Youth Involvememnt” – UNICEF
2003 – “Family Life Education” –YfY

Accredited CNFPA trainer


in training sales teams in the pharma environment


of training delivered


unique participants


of experience in delivering trainings